Navigate results Year: 20242023202220212018201720162015201420132012201120102009Event: Ada.1xAl2.8+Ch.1xCh.4+Ch.4-Ch.8+Coll.4+Inv.4x+Inv.4+Al.8+Al.4+ELI.1xELI.2-ELI.2xELI.4x-ELI.8+FR2.8+FR1.8+IM2.1xIM2.2-IM2.2xIM2.4+IM2.8+IM3.1xIM3.4+(A)IM3.4+(B)IM3.8+INV.8+INV.J.2xINV.J.4x+Al2.8+INV.J15.8+Al.8+W.Inv.J18.4x-J13.4x+J14.1xJ14.2xJ14.4x+J15.1xJ15.2xJ15.4x+J16.2xJ16.4+J18.1xJ18.2xJ18.4+J18.4x-LWT.1xN.1xN.4+(A)N.4+(B)N.8+Op Eli 2xAda.LTA.1xAda.1xOp Beg 4+Op Beg 8+Op Beg 1xOp Beg 4+Op Beg 8+Op Beg 1xOp ChA 4+Op ChA 8+Op ChA 1xOp ChB 4+Op ChB 8+Op ChB 1xOp Lwt 1xCh.4+Ch.4-Ch.4x-Op Ch 2xChB.8+ChB.1xColl.4+Mdn.Nov.4+Op Mdn 4+Coll.4+Op BR 8+Op Eli 1xOp Eli A 4+Op Eli A 2xOp Eli A 8+Op Eli A 1xOp Eli B 4+Op Eli B 8+Op Eli B 1xCh.4+Ch.4-Ch.2-Ch.4x-Ch.2xCh.8+Ch.1xCh.2-Coll.4+aColl.4+ELI.LWT.1xELI.4+ELI.4-ELI.2-ELI.4x-ELI.2xELI.8+ELI.1xNCF.4+NCF.8+Op Int 4+IM2.4+IM2.8+IM2.1xIM3.4+IM3.4x+IM3.4x-IM3.8+NCA.4+NCA.8+NCB.4+NCB.8+Op Int 4+Op Int 8+Op Int 1xJ13.4x+Op J14 8x+J14.4x+J14.2xJ14.1xOp J15 4+Op J15 8x+J15.4x+J15.2xJ15.8+J15.1xJ16.4+J16.4x-J16.2xJ16.8+J16.1xOp J17 4x-Op J17 2xOp J17 1xJ18.4+J18.4-Op J18 2-J18.4x-J18.2xJ18.8+J18.1xLwt.1xOp Mdn 4+MasAC.1xMasAC.4+MasAC.4x-MasBC.2xMasBC.1xMasBCE 4x-OpMasBF8+MasC.4x-MasCD8+MasCD.4x-OpMasCD8+MasCD.1xMasCDE.4+MasCDE.8+MasCDE4x-MasD.4+MasD.4x-MasD.8+MasDE4+OMasDE4x-MasDE.2xOpMasDE4+MasDEF.4x-MasDF.2xMasDF.4+MasDF.8+MasE.4x-Op MasE 8+MasE.1xMasEF.4x-MasEF.2xOpMasEF8+Op MasF 4x-MasF.1xMasFG8+MasFG4x-MasFG.1xOp MasG4x-OMasGH4x-MasGH.4+MasH4x-MasCD.4x-MasCE.1xMas.4+Mas.8+Op NC 4x-Op NCA 4+Op NCA 4x-Op NCA 8+Op NCB 4+Op NCB 4x-Op NCB 8+NC.4x+Op NC 4x-NOV.4+NOV.8+NOV.1xSEN.4+Para.1xSEN.4+Vet.4x-VetBC.1xVetC.2xVetCD.4+VetEF.1xW.Ch.2xW.Coll.4+W.ELI.2xW.ELI.4x-W.IM2.1xW.IM2.2-W.IM2.2xW.IM2.4+W.IM2.8+W.IM3.1xW.IM3.4+W.IM3.8+W.J13.4x+W.J14.1xW.J14.2xW.J14.4x+W.J15.1xW.J15.2xW.J15.4x+W.J16.1xW.J16.2xW.J16.4+W.J18.1xW.J18.2xW.J18.4+W.LWT.1xW.N.1xW.N.4+(A)W.N.4+(B)W.N.8+W.SEN.4+W.Ada.1xW Beg 4+W Beg 8+W Beg 1xW Beg 4+W Beg 8+W Beg 1xW BI 1xW ChA 8+W ChA 1xW ChB 8+W ChB 1xW Lwt 1xW.Ch.4+W.Ch.4-W.Ch.4x-W Ch 2xW.Ch.8+W.Ch.1xW.Coll.4+(a)W.Mdn.4+W Mdn 4+W.Coll.4+W BR 8+W Eli A 2xW Eli A 4+W Eli A 4x-W Eli A 8+W Eli B 4+W Eli B 4x-W Eli B 2xW Eli B 8+W.Ch.4+W.Ch.2-W.Ch.4x-W.Ch.2xW.Ch.8+aW.Ch.1xW.Coll.4+W.Coll.4+W.Ch.LWT.1xW.ELI.LWT.1xW.ELI.4+W.ELI.2-W.ELI.4x-W.ELI.2xW.ELI.8+W.ELI.1xW.NCF4+W.NCF.8+W.IM2.4+W.IM2.8+W.IM2.1xW.IM3.4+W.IM3.4x+W.IM3.4x-W.IM3.8+W.NCA.4+W.NCB4+W.NCA.8+W Int 4+W Int 8+W Int 1xW.J13.4x+W J14A 4x+W J14B 4x+W J14 8x+W.J14.4x+W.J14.2xW.J14.1xW J15 4+W J15 8x+W.J15.4x+W.J15.2xW.J15.8+W.J15.1xW.J16.4+W J16 2-W.J16.4x-W.J16.2xW J16 8+W.J16.1xW J17 4x-W J17 2xW J17 1xW.J18.4+W.J18.4-W J18 2-W.J18.4x-W.J18.2xW.J18.8+W.J18.1xW.J.Inv.4x+W.Lwt.1xW Mdn 4+W.MasA.2xW.MasAB.2xW.MasAB.1xW.Mas.4x-W.MasABC.2xW.MasAC.4x-W.MasACD.1xW.MasBC.2xW.MasC.4+W.MasC.4x-W.MasCD.4+W.MasCD.1xW.MasCE.4x-W.MasCE.8+W.MasD.4+W.MasDF.1xWMasDE4x-W.MasDE.2xW.MasDE.1xW.MasDF.2xWMasDF4x-WMasE2xW.MasEG.1xW NCA 4+W NCA 4+W NCA 4x+W NCA 4x-W NCA 8+W NCB 4+W NCB 4x+W NCB 4x-W NCB 8+W.NC4x+W.NC.4x-W NCB 8+W.NOV.4+W.NOV.8+W.NOV.1xW.SEN.4+Trophy: A A Macfarlane-Grieve Challenge CupAlan GibsonAlderman CupArchibald Challenge CupArthur C Clark Challenge CupArthur Stainsby Memorial TrophyBarry Ward-Thompson TrophyBell & Ridley Challenge CupBill Golightly Challenge TrophyBramwell TrophyBritish Heart FoundationCharles Curtis TrophyCorporation Challenge CupCyril Carpenter TrophyDanny Webster Memorial CupDurham Challenge CupDurham City PlateDurham University Challenge TrophyErik Brown TrophyFive Alive TrophyFrank Humphries Challenge CupGeoff Clack TrophyGrand Challenge CupHarry Clasper TrophyHild Bede TrophyJohn A Short TrophyJohn D Peele TrophyJoseph Brown Memorial CupLady Anne Lambton Challenge BowlLady Herschell PlateLilian Humphries TrophyLowe Challenge BowlMRT Coulson Challenge CupMackay Challenge CupMayor’s Plate AMayor’s Plate BNewcastle Breweries Sculls Challenge CupNorman Richardson TrophyNorth of England Sculling ChampionshipOswald Challenge CupPaul Brady Memorial TrophyPeter H Mills Memorial TrophyPhilips Components TrophyPlayer’s Gold Leaf Filter Virginia CupPrince Bishop TrophyReverend C J SaundersRobertson CupRushworth & Storey Challenge CupStan Turner TrophyStewards CupT H de Winton TrophyThe TSB Challenge CupVaux TrophyWardman Yates Challenge CupWhitbread Challenge CupWilliam E Neesham BowlClub: A S R Nereus, AmsterdamBath University Boat ClubBerwickBerwick Amateur Rowing ClubBradford Amateur Rowing ClubBradford GrammarBradford Grammar School Boat ClubButler College Boat ClubCambois Amateur Rowing ClubChad’s College Boat ClubChester University Rowing ClubChester-le-Street Amateur Rowing ClubCity of Cambridge Rowing ClubCollingwood College Boat ClubDoncaster Rowing ClubDoncaster School Rowing AcademyDurham Amateur Rowing ClubDurham School Boat ClubDurham University Boat ClubEdinburgh University Boat ClubGateshead Community George WatsonsGeorge Watsons College Boat ClubGrey College Boat ClubHadrian Boat ClubHarper AdamsHatfield College Boat ClubHereford Cathedral School Boat ClubHeriot-Watt University Boat ClubHexham Rowing ClubHollingworth Lake Rowing ClubHull University Boat ClubInfinity Boat ClubJohn O Gaunt Rowing ClubJohn Snow College Boat ClubKings School ChesterLambton Rowing ClubLancaster John O’Gaunt Rowing ClubLancaster Schools’ Rowing AcademyLancaster University Boat ClubLeeds Rowing ClubLeeds University Boat ClubLiverpool University Boat ClubLoch Lomond Rowing ClubMarlow Rowing ClubMary’sNewark Rowing ClubNewcastle University Boat ClubNithsdaleNorthumbria University Boat ClubOld DunelmianOlomouc, Czech RepublicOundle School Boat ClubQueen Elizabeth High School Boat ClubRuncorn Rowing ClubSheffield City Rowing ClubSheffield University Boat ClubSheffield University Rowing ClubSt Aidan’s College Boat ClubSt Andrews University Boat ClubSt Bede College Boat ClubSt Chad’s College Boat ClubSt Cuthbert’s Society Boat ClubSt HildSt Hild & St BedeSt John’s College Boat ClubSt Leonard’sSt Leonard’s School Boat ClubSt Mary’s College Boat ClubSt Peter’s School Boat ClubStephenson College Boat ClubSunderland City Rowing ClubTalkin Tarn Amateur Rowing ClubTees Rowing ClubTrevelyan College Boat ClubTyneTyne Amateur Rowing ClubTyne United Rowing ClubTyne University Boat ClubUniversity College Boat ClubUniversity of Teesside Rowing ClubUniversity of YorkVan Mildert College Boat ClubWarrington Rowing ClubYarmYarm School Boat ClubYork City Rowing ClubYork University Boat Club Mayor’s Plate B Also known as “Bramwell”, and named after Mrs Bramwell, and a local family shop (possibly related to a Durham City Mayor in the 1840s). Year Winner 2015Sun Sunderland City WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+(b)) Race: Race 257 at 18:24 1st place: Sunderland City (Lane 2) 2nd place: St Hild & St Bede (Hickey) (Lane 1) Verdict: 2 lengths