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Danny Webster Memorial Cup

danny webster

Cox, member of DARC and Durham Regatta.

Year Winner
2024Sun Hatfield College (Mouille)
WOMEN’S COLLEGE MAIDEN coxed four-oared (W Mdn 4+)

Race: Race 182 at 17:39
1st place: Hatfield College (Mouille) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Trevelyan Coll BC (French) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: Easily
Time to finish: 3:09
2023Sun Sheffield City (Moore)
WOMEN’S NON-CHAMPIONSHIP B coxed four-oared (W NCB 4+)

Race: Race 197 at 18:27
1st place: Sheffield City (Moore) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Dent) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2 Lengths
Time to finish: NTT
2022Sun Yarm School (Cant)
WOMEN’S NON-CHAMPIONSHIP B coxed four-oared (W NCB 4+)

Race: Race 168 at 17:57
1st place: Yarm School (Cant) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: John Snow College (Sanders) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 2L
Time to finish: 3:05.9
2021Sun Leeds University (Hunter)
WOMEN’S NON-CHAMPIONSHIP B coxed four-oared (W NCB 4+)

Race: Race 61 at 11:27
1st place: Leeds University (Hunter) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Collingwood College (Simpson) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: easily
2018Sun Durham ARC (Ward)
WOMEN’S NON-CHAMPIONSHIP B coxed four-oared (W NCB 4+)

Race: Race 93 at 12:30
1st place: Durham ARC (Ward) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Yarm School (De la Motte) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: easily
Time to finish: 2:39.5
2017Sun Leeds University (Lanzarini)

Race: Race 84 at 12:09
1st place: Leeds University (Lanzarini) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Van Mildert BC (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 4 lengths
Time to finish: 2:40.6
2016Sun Tyne ARC
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+)

Race: Race 212 at 18:22
1st place: Tyne ARC (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: John Snow College (Racecourse Station)
2015Sun Durham Univ BC
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+(a))

Race: Race 260 at 18:30
1st place: Durham Univ BC (Lane 2)
2nd place: John Snow CBC (Lane 1)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2014Sun York University
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+)

Race: Race 262 at 18:28
1st place: York University (Lane 1)
2nd place: Durham Univ BC (Lane 2)
Verdict: 1 ½ lengths
2013Sun York Univ (Beare)
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.Nov.4+)

Race: Race 230 at 17:57
1st place: York Univ (Beare) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Trevelyan (Lane 1)
2011Sun Lancaster UBC
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+)

Race: Race 179 at 17:06
1st place: Lancaster UBC (Lane 1)
2nd place: St Chads (Lane 2)
Verdict: easily
Time to finish: 2:40
2010Sun Butler College BC (Hewitt)
WOMEN’S NOVICE coxed four-oared (W.NOV.4+)

Race: Race 215 at 17:36
1st place: Butler College BC (Hewitt) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Liverpool Univ BC (Lane 1)
Verdict: 3/4 length
2009Sun Grey College BC (Perks)
W.N.4+(A) (W.N.4+(A))

Race: Race 199 at 16:18
1st place: Grey College BC (Perks) (Lane 2)
2nd place: St. Chad’s Coll BC (Lane 1)
Verdict: 1 ½ lengths