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Reverend C J Saunders

Reverend C J Saunders trophy

This trophy is presented by DUBC. Originally, it commemorates Reverend C J Saunders, a student and oarsman at Durham University between 1906-08.

Year Winner
2024Sun Durham Univ BC (Reed)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP eight-oared (Op Ch 8+)

Race: Race 169 at 17:00
1st place: Durham Univ BC (Reed) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Tyne ARC (Azzi) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 3/4 length
2023Sun Durham Univ BC (Pearson)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP A eight-oared (Op ChA 8+)

Race: Race 177 at 17:27
1st place: Durham Univ BC (Pearson) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Durham Univ BC (Newton) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 1.5 Lengths
Time to finish: 1:45
2022Sun Newcastle UBC (Thompson)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP eight-oared (Op Ch 8+)

Race: Race 173 at 18:12
1st place: Newcastle UBC (Thompson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Newcastle UBC (Cannons) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 1/2L
Time to finish: 1:58.1
2021Sun Newcastle University (Phelps)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP eight-oared (Op Ch 8+)

Race: Race 188 at 17:57
1st place: Newcastle University (Phelps) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Durham Univ BC (Pearson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: canvas
2018Sun Newcastle UBC (Fuller)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP A eight-oared (Op ChA 8+)

Race: Race 185 at 17:15
1st place: Newcastle UBC (Fuller) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Newcastle UBC (Smith) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: Easily
Time to finish: 1:49.8
2017Sun Newcastle UBC

Race: Race 180 at 17:00
1st place: Newcastle UBC (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: St Hild & St Bede (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 3/4 length
Time to finish: 1:57.8
2016Sun Newcastle University (Hanratty)

Race: Race 198 at 17:45
1st place: Newcastle University (Hanratty) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Newcastle University (Brown) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2015Sun Newcastle University

Race: Race 227 at 17:18
1st place: Newcastle University (Lane 1)
2nd place: Trevelyan Coll BC (Lane 2)
2014Sun Durham Univ BC (Gossage)
OPEN ELITE CHAMPIONSHIP eight-oared (Ch.8+a)

Race: Race 220 at 17:00
1st place: Durham Univ BC (Gossage) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Tyne RC (Macbride) (Lane 2)
Verdict: ½ length
2013Sun Newcastle Univ (Rossiter)
OPEN ELITE eight-oared (ELI.8+)

Race: Race 211 at 17:00
1st place: Newcastle Univ (Rossiter) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Newcastle Univ (Leigh) (Lane 1)
2011Sun Newcastle UBC (Beard)
OPEN ELITE eight-oared (Ch.8+)

Race: Race 177 at 17:00
1st place: Newcastle UBC (Beard) (Lane 2)
2nd place: St Hild & St Bede (Lane 1)
Verdict: ½ length
Time to finish: 1:55
2010Sun Durham Univ BC

Race: Race 176 at 16:02
1st place: Durham Univ BC (Lane 2)
2nd place: Newcastle Univ (Lane 1)
Verdict: disqualified
2009Sun Durham UBC
Ch.8+ (Ch.8+)

Race: Race 194 at 16:05
1st place: Durham UBC (Lane 2)
2nd place: Durham ARC (Lane 1)
Verdict: 2 lengths