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North of England Sculling Championship

Year Winner
2024Sat Cambois (Lewis)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W J15 1x)

Race: Race 116 at 12:47
1st place: Cambois (Lewis) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Lambton RC (Wesencraft-Colledge) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 1 ½ lengths
Time to finish: 4:08
2024Sat Durham ARC (Cleugh)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (Op J16 1x)

Race: Race 130 at 13:22
1st place: Durham ARC (Cleugh) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Marston) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 1 ½ lengths
Time to finish: 2:45
2024Sat Yarm School (White)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W J16 1x)

Race: Race 249 at 18:35
1st place: Yarm School (White) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Robinson) (Racecourse Station)
2024Sat Durham ARC (Mosley)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (Op J15 1x)

Race: Race 253 at 18:45
1st place: Durham ARC (Mosley) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Lambton RC (Thompson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 4 lengths
2023Sat Durham ARC (Cleugh)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (Op J16 1x)

Race: Race 97 at 12:00
1st place: Durham ARC (Cleugh) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Tees RC (Murphy) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2 lengths
Time to finish: 2:32
2023Sat Hexham RC (Cain)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W J15 1x)

Race: Race 113 at 12:47
1st place: Hexham RC (Cain) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Tees RC (Manners) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2 Lengths
Time to finish: 2:48
2023Sat Hexham RC (Westlake)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (Op J15 1x)

Race: Race 247 at 18:42
1st place: Hexham RC (Westlake) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Cambois ARC (Thornton) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: Easily
Time to finish: NTT
2022Sat Chester-le-Street (Palmer)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W J15 1x)

Race: Race 122 at 13:02
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Palmer) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Yarm School (Bettinson) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: Easily
Time to finish: 2:59
2022Sat Durham School (Fachat)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (Op J15 1x)

Race: Race 235 at 17:57
1st place: Durham School (Fachat) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Doncaster Schools (Batchelor) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2L
2021Sat Chester-le-Street (Lowes)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W J15 1x)

Race: Race 90 at 11:50
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Lowes) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Durham School (Heslop) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 1 length
2021Sat Tyne ARC (Wearmouth)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W J16 1x)

Race: Race 123 at 13:12
1st place: Tyne ARC (Wearmouth) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Bradford ARC (Lancaster) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2021Sat Hereford Cathedral Sch (Cadwallader)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (Op J16 1x)

Race: Race 237 at 18:15
1st place: Hereford Cathedral Sch (Cadwallader) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Tees RC (Renn) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: easily
2021Sat Chester-le-Street (Burford)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (Op J15 1x)

Race: Race 247 at 18:40
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Burford) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Yarm Sch BC (Norton) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 1.5 lengths
2018Sat Chester-le-Street (Bowery)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (Op J15 1x)

Race: Race 104 at 12:18
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Bowery) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Talkin Tarn ARC (Norman) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2.5L
Time to finish: 2:28.8
2018Sat Durham ARC (Morris)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (Op J16 1x)

Race: Race 124 at 13:12
1st place: Durham ARC (Morris) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Cambois ARC (Fairlie) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: easily
Time to finish: 2:29.2
2018Sat Chester-le-Street (Warren)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W J15 1x)

Race: Race 231 at 17:58
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Warren) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Chester-le-Street (Wilkinson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 2.25L
Time to finish: 2:50.0
2018Sat Cambois ARC (Furness)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W J16 1x)

Race: Race 246 at 18:39
1st place: Cambois ARC (Furness) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Chester-le-Street (Dowson) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2.5L
Time to finish: 2:42.5
2017Sat Chester-le-Street (Adamson)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 110 at 12:32
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Adamson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Yarm School (Murray) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2017Sat Durham School (Heslop )
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 119 at 12:55
1st place: Durham School (Heslop ) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Doncaster Schools (Haigh) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 3 lengths
2017Sat Tyne ARC (Charlton)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 248 at 18:15
1st place: Tyne ARC (Charlton) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Cambois ARC (Furness) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: bow ball
Time to finish: 2:51.5
2017Sat Cambois ARC (Fairlie)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 251 at 18:22
1st place: Cambois ARC (Fairlie) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Wilkinson) (Racecourse Station)
2016Sun Chester-le-Street (Adamson)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 85 at 12:04
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Adamson) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Chester-le-Street (Hunter) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 4 lengths
2016Sun Doncaster Schools (Acris)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 88 at 12:13
1st place: Doncaster Schools (Acris) (Racecourse Station)
2nd place: Yarm School (Wadd) (Pelaw Wood Station)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2016Sun Chester-le-Street (Larsen)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 89 at 12:16
1st place: Chester-le-Street (Larsen) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Chester-le-Street (Forster) (Racecourse Station)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2016Sun Tyne ARC (Charlton)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 201 at 17:52
1st place: Tyne ARC (Charlton) (Pelaw Wood Station)
2nd place: Durham School (Rochester) (Racecourse Station)
2015Sat York City (Edmunds)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 109 at 12:02
1st place: York City (Edmunds) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Chester le Street ARC (Larsen) (Lane 2)
2015Sat Durham ARC (Rushforth)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 250 at 18:32
1st place: Durham ARC (Rushforth) (Lane 1)
2nd place: York City (Macmahon) (Lane 2)
2015Sat Bradford ARC (Holbrough)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 253 at 18:38
1st place: Bradford ARC (Holbrough) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Talkin Tarn ARC (Smith) (Lane 2)
2015Sat Durham ARC (Cessford)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 255 at 18:42
1st place: Durham ARC (Cessford) (Lane 2)
2nd place: York City (Edmunds) (Lane 1)
2014Sat Cambois (Dixon)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 142 at 13:02
1st place: Cambois (Dixon) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Talkin Tarn ARC (Graham) (Lane 2)
Verdict: ½ length
Time to finish: 2:52
2014Sat Doncaster Schools (Linley)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 299 at 18:38
1st place: Doncaster Schools (Linley) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Chester le Street ARC (O’Donnell) (Lane 1)
Time to finish: 2:29
2014Sat Queen Elizabeth HS (Dickinson)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 302 at 18:44
1st place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Dickinson) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Chester le Street ARC (Irwin) (Lane 2)
2014Sat Chester le Street ARC (Morris)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 307 at 18:54
1st place: Chester le Street ARC (Morris) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Chester le Street ARC (Middleton) (Lane 1)
Time to finish: 2:36
2013Sat Talkin Tarn (Graham)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 119 at 12:40
1st place: Talkin Tarn (Graham) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Leeds RC (Nicholas) (Lane 1)
2013Sat York City (Beardmore)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 16 sculling (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 276 at 18:26
1st place: York City (Beardmore) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Bradford ARC (George) (Lane 2)
2013Sat Bradford ARC (Hickson)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 279 at 18:32
1st place: Bradford ARC (Hickson) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Durham Sch (Fisk) (Lane 2)
2013Sat Durham ARC (Rushforth)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 290 at 18:54
1st place: Durham ARC (Rushforth) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Doncaster Sch (Linley) (Lane 2)
2011Sun Tees RC (Sharp)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 98 at 13:33
1st place: Tees RC (Sharp) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Tyne United (Scherczer) (Lane 2)
Verdict: 2 lengths
2011Sat Durham ARC (Trotman)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 93 at 11:54
1st place: Durham ARC (Trotman) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Chester-le-St ARC (Clark) (Lane 2)
Verdict: 2 lengths
Time to finish: 3:05
2011Sat Queen Elizabeth HS (Ronan)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 100 at 12:15
1st place: Queen Elizabeth HS (Ronan) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Chester-le-St ARC (Macmurtrie) (Lane 1)
Verdict: 3 lengths
Time to finish: 3:17
2010Sun Cambois ARC (McCarron)
OPEN JUNIOR 16 sculling (J16.1x)

Race: Race 172 at 15:51
1st place: Cambois ARC (McCarron) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Cambois ARC (Dixon) (Lane 2)
Verdict: 1 length
2010Sat St Peters School (Leigh)
WOMEN’S JUNIOR 15 sculling (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 116 at 12:36
1st place: St Peters School (Leigh) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Warrington RC (Laidlaw) (Lane 1)
2010Sat Yarm School (Edmondson)
OPEN JUNIOR 15 sculling (J15.1x)

Race: Race 143 at 13:42
1st place: Yarm School (Edmondson) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Leeds RC (Eleftheriou Metcalf) (Lane 2)
2009Sun Chester-le-St ARC (Hussey)
W.J16.1x (W.J16.1x)

Race: Race 165 at 14:48
1st place: Chester-le-St ARC (Hussey) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Warrington RC (Pickering) (Lane 1)
Verdict: 1 length
2009Sun Bradford ARC (Holbrough)
J16.1x (J16.1x)

Race: Race 198 at 16:12
1st place: Bradford ARC (Holbrough) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Chester-le-St ARC (Stephens) (Lane 2)
Verdict: 2 ½ lengths
2009Sat Warrington RC (Wright)
W.J15.1x (W.J15.1x)

Race: Race 101 at 11:51
1st place: Warrington RC (Wright) (Lane 1)
2nd place: Chester-le-St ARC (Hussey) (Lane 2)
Verdict: 1 length
Time to finish: 2:54
2009Sat St. Leonard’s Sch BC (Thomas)
J15.1x (J15.1x)

Race: Race 127 at 12:46
1st place: St. Leonard’s Sch BC (Thomas) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Yarm School BC (Kessell) (Lane 1)
Verdict: ½ lengths
2009Sat St. Leonard’s Sch BC (Thomas)
J15.1x (J15.1x)

Race: Race 127 at 12:46
1st place: St. Leonard’s Sch BC (Thomas) (Lane 2)
2nd place: Yarm School BC (Kessell) (Lane 1)
Verdict: 1 ½ lengths
Time to finish: 2:08